Saturday Morning Run Sessions

The Saturday morning interval schedule has been rolled out until mid-Feb.

ALL abilities are welcome to join this group session, with runners able to join in at their own pace.

Time: Saturday after the Repton swim (approx. 9am meet for 9:15 start)

Location: Foremark Reservoir (unless otherwise stated/advertised)

Directions: Meet in the lay-by, just passed the main visitors entrance on your right if travelling from Milton to Ticknall (Ticknall Rd).

Matt Wagstaffe leads a structured session which includes:

  • Warm up
  • Drills & Plyometrics
  • Interval session* as below
  • Cool down & stretches
    • Total distance 5-8km
    • Be responsible for your own training. As with all new training, if you have not done intervals/speed work before, it is important to start slow and build; or reduce the total number of intervals. The sessions often loop around a field, or out & back along a path to allow a range of abilities to train “together”. This should remove temptation to push beyond your own ability (so be extra careful if you are the competitive type!).
    • Ensure you are fully warmed up prior to any fast intervals
    • Listen to your body. If you have pain or discomfort during the session then stop or change your activity.

*Interval Schedule for Jan/Feb 2016

16/01/2016 4 x 1mile reps 90 second rec
23/01/2016 12 x 1 min hill reps + circuits (Matt away – Amy-Jo providing instructions and timing!)
30/01/2016 12 x 1 min fast
06/02/2016 3min run 30 second rec 1 min 60 s rec x 4
13/02/2016 30 minutes running with 30s increase in speed every 3 minutes
20/02/2016 6 min x 2, 4 min x 2, 3 min x 2, 2 min x 2, 1 min x 2, 30s x 2