MVH take on Carsington Duathlon


MVH’s Three Wise Men took on this tough course to round off their season.

Although it is not in the club Championships, this duathlon remains a local favourite for those who enjoy a challenge (a jaunt over Middleton Top on your bike anyone???).

Jonny Fitton & Matt Wagstaffe recently won their age group categories at the Derby Tri and as this is the same series (PMA events) there was opportunity to further exploit the adulation of the Derbyshire crowds and aim for series glory.

Robin Barber & Mick Fishwick were there as supporters-come-roving reporters-come-photographers. They may have even done a spot of refereeing as they have done at recent PMA events.

Matt Wagstaffe capped off an impressive (2nd!) season in Triathlon by winning the Vet PMA Series

A wise woman once told me that a Duathlon is like having a three course meal without your favourite course. She is right, of course, but well done to Andy, Matt & Jonny on some cracking times anyway.