Triathlon Training – The MVH Training week – ALL ABILITIES WELCOME



Mon Track Session – Burton Athletics Club Coaches (Shobnall 6.30pm)

Tue Run session – Coach – Warren Simms  (Bannatynes at 6pm).

Wed Run Session – Burton Athletics Club Coaches (Shobnall 7pm)


Pool Swim : Monday 8pm – 9pm, with Burntwood tri club, coached session at Friary Grange Leisure Centre, Lichfield  (cost £3.50)


Saturday 07:00 or 07:30: Pool Session : REPTON Swimming pool.  



Cycling: SUNDAY 0900hrs at Barton Marina (at Waterfront pub carpark)


2 cycling choices

Attention all MVH Cyclists  (all cycling abilities welcome)

The Sessions:  Both commence at 0900hrs

Cycle ride 1 : Shorter.  About 25 to 30 miles.  Designed for “new to triathlon road cyclists” and those wanting a shorter cycle

A great experience and all are welcome.  Come along and enjoy.

Cycle Ride 2 : Longer.  35 to 40+ miles Suitable for experienced novices and intermediates

Possibly quicker than Cycle ride 1 but always containing new opportunities (and of course – just when you thought you knew all the lanes in staffordshire…another one appears).

Group riding at its best.  Level 3 and at times strength building and occasional heart rate peaking.