My first MVH Sunday ride…what was it like?

3 foxes is an original MVH logo
Member article
New member Gemma Pegg shares the experience of her first group cycle with MVH.

Calling all Ladies…

If you haven’t done a Sunday morning ride with MVH Tri Club you really should add it to your New Year’s resolution list. I did my first ride this week; after feeling a little apprehensive I think I could become addicted. On meeting at 9am ish (hangovers depending!) at Barton Marina there were 2 groups going out, a faster and not so fast group.

I was part of the not so fast group – we all agreed to cycle 30ish miles complete with a coffee stop of which I devoured a well-deserved  mug of deluxe hot chocolate. We started off in heavy fog, and after a little hick-up of Martin needing to fix a puncture, which was impressive in its self as he was able to change & pump his inner tube very quickly. The ride was quite flat with the odd small incline to test that the legs were really working, not that I hugely noticed as I was chatting 90% of the time!

Another plus point was seeing in action the etiquette of road cycling, something you don’t get to practice when cycling by yourself.

If your newish to road cycling and want a satisfying ride with social individuals who genuinely care that the pace is right for all throughout the ride then this is the group for you.

Don’t be scared – come and join us!

If you have an article or an idea for one please get in touch.
Paul Butler or Colin McLean @