MVH Club Championship league standings as at 27th June

Here are the club championship standings after the Dambuster.

Club championship standings after the Dambuster @ 27th June:
First name Last name Age Group Age Categ Race Cat A  Race Cat B  Champ Pos. %
John  Shelton-Smith  M60-64  L  3  1  103
Michael  Fishwick  M55-59  K  3  1  132
Jonathan Fitton  M55-59 K 2  112
Andy Crockford  M50-54 J 1  1 123
Phil Hall  M35-39 G 1  1 132
David Brayer  M45-49 I 1 117
Colin McLean  M55-59 K 1 119
 Paul Richardson  M45-49 I 1 122
Sam Moseley  M35-39 G 1 135
Frans Frison  M40-44 H 1 135
Alex Heron  M65-69 M  2 103
Michael Skivington  M55-59 K 1 109

With the club championships requiring at least 1 Category A race, then the leader board has been based on category A races.

Ladies Championships
First name Last name Age Group Age Categ Race Cat A  Race Cat B  Champ Pos. %
Lynn  Nesbitt  F45-49  1 2  1  130


Men’s Novice championships
First name Last name Age Group Age Categ  Races  Champ Pos. %
Andy Crockford M50-54 J 3 113.7
Michael  Fishwick M55-59 K 2  105.4
Alex Heron  M65-69 M 2 108.1
Nick Teige  M30-34 F 2 118.0
James Hooley  M30-34 F 2 140.6
Alex Mead  M30-34 F  1 106.2
Angus Falconer  M30-34 F  1 129.6
Christian Stephenson  1 130.7
Johnny Milton  M40-44 H  1 134.3

Bala Training Week-end – 29th/30th June – The Timetable of Events!!

Here is the timetable for the week-end.  Also looks like we have about 20 people going!  

(If you are planning to go to Bala at the week-end and have not received an individual email from me – please email me to let me know when you are arriving and where you are staying)   NB There are plenty of spaces available at Glanllyn campsite if you want to go last minute!Friday. MVH People in white lion restaurant/bar at 8pm to 10pm.  I can be contacted on 07950 492322.  I have reserved a table (in White Lion) for up to 10 people from 8.15pm.

Saturday morning 0900hrs. Swim. 1km to 2km swim but it’s awesomely beautiful…Location:  Glanllyn camping/caravan site ; 2.5miles south of Bala with Lake on left.  (post code LL23 7SS). Stop at gate and pay the ladies £5 per car.  This allows parking and use of showers.  They are expecting MVH Tri Club – so should not be surprised!


Drive through the campsite to far end and parking by lakeside.  Meet by the MVH flags at Lake side.   Steve and Warren are organisers for the swim.  We may split up into novice and experienced swimmers.
From Glanllyn Campsite:  1100hrs. Cycle possibly including a carefully judged stop
Martin Covey to lead 50ish mile hill climb and welsh countryside stunning route
Sue Herriman to lead shorter route – flatter Lake views route – with eh… undulations.  Also stunning views.

After Cycle:  Immediately into run.  (It’s a training week-end)  Two options 5km and 10km.
Lead is Warren Simms.  Run is north on pavement track up Lakeside to Bala and return is 10km.  Slighly undulating but broadly ok.
There is a good shower block at the campsite for which use is included in the £5 per car.

Saturday evening

Instead of BBQ at campsite.  This has been changed to White lion restaurant meal.  I have booked a table for 7:30 to 8pm for up to 20 people. 

Sunday – swim 1000hrs
Location:  Glanllyn camping/caravan site  (post code LL23 7SS). Stop at gate and pay the ladies £5 per car.  This allows parking and use of showers
Sunday Cycle 1100ish short – Martin Covey to lead 30mile Lake excursion
Sunday: Pub lunch option in Bala afterwards 1300-1330hrs
A happy training week-end for all.
Colin McLean

Competing when not feeling 100% – A Salutary Lesson… DON’T!!

I competed in the Tri It Aquathon Qualifier held near Durham on Saturday 25th May, with the objective to qualify for the 2013 London ITU Aquathon World Championships as a GB Age Grouper.

And did I learn some lessons!

I arrived at the event thinking I could still compete while suffering from what I had convinced myself was a minor irritating chest infection.  Having comfortably run just under 10km in a reasonably pleasing time the preceding Wednesday, I thought I could run through the coughing and congestion that had started on the Thursday and worsened on Friday. How wrong was I!

The first evidence of the challenge was in the swim.  Getting out of the water, I realised I could not run to transition and was shocked by just how much I was wheezing.  I typically swim 400m consistently around 6:45 but on Saturday I was just relieved to get out of the water.  My swim time for 750m was probably 2mins slower than I expected.

On starting the 5km run I realised I had under-estimated the extent of the chest infection problem.  Turning left out of transition, the shortness of breath and my heart rate rapidly reaching my maximum, I starting walking in less than 400m.  Not even one third of the way round Lap 1 of 4 laps.  I was devastated.  Although walking, I couldn’t seem to get my breathing normal but the heart rate had lowered so I set off for another 400m, then walked and so on.  Maybe it’s a Scottish hangover thing (!) or plain stupidity but I also had this repeating thought going around my mind that I could not have a DNF – so did the run, walk, run until the 4 laps were completed.  My brain was in a turmoil – it’s only 5km! And I’m getting lapped!

The result: My performance on Saturday was significantly outwith the needed 115% of the winner Bud Johnston’s time of 32:55.

My health?  Well hopefully – I have got away with it – but I should know better.

A difficult but salutary lesson – if ill or not feeling 100% – don’t compete…

Colin McLean