Enter a wild swimming event for 2013?

As the concept of wild swimming becomes more popular, open water swim events are increasingly gaining traction.

A short season for open water swimming, the months of June, July and August are starting to provide some great choices for those who would like to participate in a larger scale “organised swim event”

5 of the biggest swims are supported and sponsored by Brtitish Gas:  while encouraging participants to raise money for charity while enjoying the organised swim.

These are:

Or join an open water swim that will provide such an experience that the script will be written for future story telling

Often organised by charities as a new initiative to build much needed funds.  One such charity is ASPIRE who support people with spinal injuries.

Swim to the Isle of Wight?  Approaching 3 miles.  Now this is more like it!

“Fully escorted by RIBs and kayaks, you will be brought back by boat to celebrate your achievements in a local pub. The Solent represents a great open water challenge.”

and there are many other “wild swims” out there on the internet.

A wild swimming website worth grabbing a “cuppa of builders’ and settling down for a good read is wild swimming.co.uk

So as the sun starts to warm things up …  It’s time to think about Summer Swimming
