MVH Goes Festive Training. 3 Events Planned

The holiday period over Christmas and New Year is not just a time for families and eating rituals but can also be an opportunity to escape for some Triathlon training with like minds – to maintain the balance.


This festive period, MVH Tri Club has 3 organised activities

1.  Sunday 23rd December: Activity –  Cycle:  “The Mince Pie Run”

Meet at Barton Waterfront 0900hrs.

Destination:  Belton Village Hall, Belton, Nr Loughborough, LE12 9TU.  The cycle is between 45 to 50 miles round trip.  Hundreds of cyclists from all over the area arrive at the Belton Village Hall to enjoy – yes – a mince pie but also to support The Rainbows Children’s Hospice.  Read about the Mince Pie run here.

MVH Tri will be cycling at a comfortable pace.  All welcome.

2.  Thursday 27th December:  Activity – Run and/or walk  “The Carsington Canter “

Meet at Carsington Lake Visitor Centre at 1030hrs and afterwards 1230ish at the Vernon Arms, Main Road, Sudbury, DE6 5HS

The Run:  Run the 8 mile track around Carsington Lake.  Pace for some may be a canter while others will revel in the moment, running while smiling, enjoying the scenery and catching up with the “canterers” at the end.  It’s a holiday day after all.

Families welcome to do the walk, juice, walk.  All welcome.

Afterwards, cars will be heading to the Vernon Arms for an intake of calories

3.  Saturday 29th December:  Activity – Cycle, run, cycle.  “The Shirley Stomp in the Slop”

Meet at Jonny’s place, Dale End Road, Hilton, DE65 5FW, 0930hrs

The cycle:  A short cycle route meandering to Shirley in deepest Derbyshire.   Park up the cycles, “TRAIL” running shoes on and then off around the paths, up the gentle rises, around the lake and through the occasional slop that is the delightful Osmaston Park.  About 5 miles run.  Then back on the cycle back to Jonny’s for lashings of ginger beer and biscuits with no chocolate on them.

All welcome.  A great morning out!