MVH Novices Championship – Race Descriptions

Thanks to John Shelton-Smith for this definitive guide to each of the races in the MVH Novice Calendar

Read up on the events you have entered for an insight into what to expect.

Here is an example of John’s notes on the Stratford Sprint – 12th May

Stratford Tri:  Pool Tri:

Nice day out if the weather is good!  Pool tri based in the middle of Stratford on Avon.  I think the pool is 33m so this makes for an interesting swim where one does 3 lengths and then swims under the ropes to the next lane and so on.  Bike is good leaving Stratford to the North and dropping back down a hill into town and the leisure centre.  Run is along a track to the edge of the river.  Good when it is dry!  Not so good in a torrential downpour when it does get a little muddy.  Facilities are good and close to town if you wish to have an afternoon out with the family.  As with all of these leisure centre triathlons, the starts commence early and go on for some 3-4 hours.  Your start time will be based on your 400m swim time.  Fib if you want to swim close to a friend!