Current concepts on shoe design, foot types, injury prevention and running biomechanics
Being held at
The Chase Golf Health Club & Spa
The Cedar Suite
Pottal Pool Road
Penkridge, Stafford
ST19 5RN
Thursday 7th February
Cost £5.00
In this practical and though provoking session you will learn about
* Practically applied biomechanics of running
* How footwear design effects biomechanics
* Foot types, shoe selection and the biomechanical implications for runners
* Running re-education and exercise for injury risk reduction
* Safe and effective transition toward minimalist footwear
* How to structure this information into your current training plan or coaching sessions
Session will conclude with a live 30 minute gait analysis and functional movement assessment
This session will be lead by
Andrew Caldwell BSc (Hons) MSc MCSP
Consultant Sports Physiotherapist
Active Therapy Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics
* The Running Clinic(tm) Super Specialist Clinic
* Physiotherapist to International, Club and Recreational runners
* Former Consultant Physiotherapist to UK Athletics and Loughborough University <>
For more information or to book a place please contact:
Catherine Pendlebury – Network Coordinator
Mobile: 07800 619 841