Album – Blithfield Aquathlon 2013

Click to expand images to full size:

Group1.jpg David Brayer.jpg Andy Crockford.jpg jill.jpg Group2.jpg Member1.jpg member2.jpg Anna2.jpg IMG_0441.jpg Wide1.jpg caps1.jpg caps2.jpg caps3.jpg splash1.jpg splash2.jpg LeeePoulton.jpg Heidi2.jpg Martin.jpg Member5.jpg Warren.jpg Mika.jpg Member6.jpg member7.jpg Tony.jpg jonny2.jpg Colin.jpg andy2.jpg Robin.jpg Lynn.jpg Member10.jpg Heidi.jpg Rob.jpg LastofDay.jpg


Photos taken by member Paul Butler
Apologies for some of the blurred images. The light was failing at the end of the event and I am learning to use a new camera. A couple of the blurred ones are nice – I think.